Hello everyone, and a belated Happy New Year to you all! Shelley and I are finally better after the bug we had which had laid us low over the past several weeks and over the holidays. Hopefully no-one reading caught any nasty bugs over the holidays, but if you did, we sincerely hope that you are feeling better now or very soon.
We are now fully back to work and Shelley has ordered some material which will be arriving soon which will be used to debut some new collections she is working on - we are planning a whole launch campaign for these new designs and you will be able to track the progress towards their release across our social media channels. We are very excited to share these with you in due course, and I have seen the rough concepts for each of these and I can't wait to see what Shelley produces - we are going to get some paint testers tomorrow in anticipation of the fabric arriving this week! Shelley is also working on re-doing ALL of our images, so that I can replace these across all of our sales channels (website, Etsy, Not On The High Street). I recently attended a webinar on photography for e-commerce sites which was absolutely fascinating and so informative. It was lead by the wonderful Emma Baker from Comsteria. I would thoroughly recommend her various webinars (which are available for free) conducted through Business Gateway Scotland. It has motivated me to fully embrace the untapped potential of our product imagery, not only in terms of making our listings more professional (and accurately portraying the look of Shelley's beautiful craftwomanship), but unlocking the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) benefits that it will confer, to power us up the Google rankings.
To that end, I am busy (and will be for most of the upcoming week) overhauling the website to enhance its SEO potential, following the steps outlined by the wonderful Ellie Tyler who is a massive inspiration (and role model) to us both. Her determination to build her wonderful wellness brand, Tyler Aromatherapy, and the success she has achieved through her hard work and perseverance (supported every step of the way by her husband, Mark) is something we wish to emulate and is providing the blueprint for what we want to achieve with our business.
We also will be utilising the fantastic The Maker's Yearbook 2025, written by Nicola Taylor, which is a fantastic planning tool to give Shelley and I some much needed structure and routine back to our respective roles within the business and which we feel will really help us (along with all of the other resources we are taking full advantage of) to get our 2025 off to a flying start.
I would like to wish you all a pleasant weekend, whatever you are up to, and I look forward to catching up with all of you next weekend.
All the best,
Rich x